家タコスのすすめ <あのマルチボウル編>

Recommendations for making tacos at home <That multi-bowl edition>

All of the tableware products at oh are actually related, and each one is indispensable. We choose our products to print the things we actually experience in our daily lives.

This is not just about tableware, but about cooking.
So, in my house, tacos have become a power food, and I try to eat them when I'm feeling down or when I want to do my best. As long as I have ground meat and lettuce, I'm okay with not having to get everything else, and I eat them about twice a month.

How to make homemade tacos using that multi-bowl

At first, I used a lot of different bowls and plates, but it was a pain to wash them. I've finally settled on this style. I use a multi-bowl for the main ingredients and stick a teaspoon into it. Tomato, avocado, meat, cheese, or whatever you like. Of course, tortillas are essential (OK Store is cheap).

Tacos don't taste bad when they get cold

The days are getting a little longer, so it's best to start eating on the balcony after sunset. The best thing about tacos is that they don't get bad even when they get cold, so you can enjoy them for a long time. When I talk about this with people around me, they say, "Tacos are so fashionable, they're out of reach!" But that's not true at all... I seasoned the ground meat with taco seasoning that I bought at the supermarket 🌮

Homemade tacos in that multi-bowl

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That multi-bowl
That multi-bowl
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